Getting Connected


The example shows the amount of connection typical between sentences.

Definition: a move by which a piece or pawn directly attacks the opponent's king. If the defending player cannot counter the attack, the king is checkmated

This is not simple. The second sentence is tied closely to the first sentence, and would only be actioned when the move mentioned in the first sentence occurred. That is, a dependent sentence.

The “opponent” in the first sentence is the “defending player” in the second sentence. “the king” in the second sentence is “the opponent’s king” in the first sentence, where the second “the” is Definition: denoting one or more people or things already mentioned.

We should probably introduce “attacking player” doing the checkmating. “move”, “piece” and “pawn” get chess meanings.

We will use “the king of the opponent” for “the opponent’s king”, and the meaning of “of” – Definition: indicating an association between two entities, typically one of belonging

We will use “a move that causes a piece or pawn to immediately and directly attack …” until we are sure how to handle “by which”.

Definition: a (chess) move that causes a (chess) piece or (chess) pawn to directly attack the (chess) king of the opponent. If the defending player (the opponent) cannot counter the attack, the (aforesaid) king is checkmated

“the attack” (noun) is pointed, through a clumping, to the verb “attack” and its subject and object.

The links, such as “defending player” <-> “opponent” or “king” <-> “king” are implemented with ISS operators – the objects on either side of the ISS are the same object.

Supporting definitions

        Move:   Definition: a change of position of a piece in a board game

         King or piece:    Definition: a king, queen, bishop, knight, or rook, as opposed to a pawn                          Domain: Chess

         Pawn:   Definition: a chess piece of the smallest size and value Domain: Chess

         Checkmate:   Definition: a check from which a king cannot escape Domain: Chess

The ISS connections show the connections between the sentences. There are still more not shown – “attacking” in attacking player and “defending” in defending player are linked to “attack” or “ToAttack”, “defending” being linked through defending against attack.

The MULTIPARENT3 operator is attached to every word, showing part of speech, subcategory, and definition. It looks extravagant, but is only represented once, and is used many times.

The IF_THEN operator, when used as Antecedent/Consequent, works as follows:

·       For the IF_THEN operator:

  •      A True coming in on Pin1 will cause a search on Pin2 if Pin3 is unknown (connections are undirected, and can be used in any way the machine wishes, at that instant). 
  •      If a True is returned on Pin2, a True will be sent out on Pin3.
  •         A False coming in on Pin3, with Pin1 True and Pin2 unknown, will cause a False to propagate from Pin2.
  •          If a True comes in on Pin1, and Pin2 is True and Pin3 is False, an error will be raised.

The IF_THEN operator can also be used to provide a definition:

Definition: If something is banned, it has been stated officially that it must not be done, shown,             or used

Note the presence of existential logic – “the defending player cannot counter the attack”:

And how easily the subject (a piece) verb (ToAttack) object (the king) is turned into an object for another relation (ToCounter) to act on.

More evidence of how much the Unconscious Mind is managing.


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