We have 77,000 synonyms in our 25,000 wordfiles. The dictionary-builder requires the user of the dictionary to add other information, so that the link between the word and its synonym is accurate. An example: abandoning Gerund Definition: (of someone or something) ceasing to support or look after (someone) Synonyms: Synonym 0: desert Synonym 1: leave Synonym 2: leave high and dry Synonym 3: turn one's back on Synonym 4: cast aside Synonym 5: break with Synonym 6: break up with “desert” is not a desert, but which meaning? Definition: abandon (a person, cause, or organization) in a way considered disloyal or treacherous The definition for “desert” has introduced the notion of disloyalty or treachery. The SYNONYM operator looks like: The SYNONYM operator is controllable, and can work left...