Communicating With The Machine
If we want to build an AGI machine, communicating with the machine will be essential – not the trivial approach of trying to change the statistics on the words, but using words with their precise meanings. Words can have many meanings, and they change their meanings in the presence of other words – “on” can be an adverb or a preposition, some words have dozens of meanings. But there is much more than the meanings of words – we mention some other aspects. Parent Information The MULTIPARENT operator details precisely what a word is doing, but sometimes you can’t even tell whether a word is a noun or a verb. What happens then? We may encounter a point of uncertainty. We can be unsure about the part of speech (a noun or a verb?), the type of noun (Simple, Infinitive, Clausal) or verb (transitive, ditransitive, or a lot of others), and the specific definition. These points need to be marked and monitored, and if necessary decided on without sufficient evidence. Sometimes you...